
Multi-Channel & Attribution Analysis by Justin Cutroni Part I [video]

“Everyone is really excited to talk about attribution modeling, but I feel we have been playing this game of chicken for the last few years…”

In this presentation, Justin Cutroni, Analytics Advocate at Google, talks about techniques on how to do attribution modeling in order to have a full understanding of Marketing campaigns ROI.

He goes over Google Analytics Multi-Channel Funnels (MCF) and talks about what it can do. But before using this feature, Justin recommends that companies should check the Days/Visits to Conversion reports; if most of your visitors convert on the first visit, MCF might not be that important.

Following the decision that Multi-Channel Funnels is relevant for the analysis of a website, Justin recommends making use of Segmentation. This will help the analyst help the answer: do the customers that I really care about come to the website through multiple channels?

Watch Multi-Channel & Attribution Analysis Part II

Justin Cutroni

Justin Cutroni is a web analyst. He is the author of Google Analytics (published by O’Reilly) and co-author of Performance Marketing with Google Analytics (published by Wiley). You can connect with Justin through his blog, Analytics Talk or follow Justin on Twitter or Google +. Justin has worked as a Google Analytics Certified Partner for the last 5 years and now he works for Google.

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