3 Ways To Improve Web Video Conversion Rates

3 Ways To Improve Web Video Conversion Rates

Adding a video to your website is a great way to engage your visitors, increase the amount of time they spend on your site and ultimately help you convert more visitors to customers.

Web videos come in many different styles, and different productions will work best for different types of website. You could have a website presenter, who talks directly to your visitors and explains all about the company and what you can do. Or you could have a voiceover production, which gives a brief overview of the company or your products and services and uses a mixture of images and short video clips to describe the content of the video.

Whatever form of video you choose for your site, the important factor to focus on is how well your video converts. After all, there is no point in having a lovely looking video on your site if nobody watches it or bothers to enquire as a result of watching it.

Here are 3 ways that you can improve your web video conversion rates.

1. Make Sure The Visual & Audio Quality Is High

You don’t have to pay a fortune to have a professional looking video – lots of low-cost and amateur video equipment can produce the desired results. What will really make the difference to your conversion rates is the quality of the video footage and any audio you may have. If your video is grainy or the audio is hard to hear then visitors to your site will stop the video and leave your site immediately.

You should ensure your video is as high quality as possible; most computers now come with free video editing software where you can adjust the quality of both the picture and sound quality very easily and add appropriate music to portray the message to your audience that you are sending.

2. Know Who Your Video Is Designed For

Like any form of marketing, you should know exactly who your target audience is. Each type of visitor to your site will have a different agenda, and will be looking for different things from your site and therefore a separate video should be made for each different target persona.

Plan ahead to decide how your video will most appeal to your target audience and the content you will include. This could be a mixture of infographics, montage images and text based visuals – but whatever you choose to produce it needs to appeal to your target market as these will be the web visitors you are specifically looking to convert.

3. Be Focused & Specific

Each video should mention the benefits of at least 3 features of your product or service but no more than 5. Web videos should be kept to a minimum of 2 minutes (and shorter if possible) as online users have a very limited attention span and will simply tune out if your video is too long and is waffling on without making a clear point.

Determine which features best fit the wants and needs of your target audience; this could be different for each video if you are making a selection to meet the different target persona you are reaching out to but keep in mind what the top features are and stick to these in each production.

Closing Thoughts

There is no doubt that videos help improve the overall conversion rates for your website, and using the tips above will also help you to increase the success of your web video in its own right. Visitors to your site should be drawn into watching your video, engaged by it and should then want to make an enquiry as a result. If your video isn’t converting then there is no point in you having it!